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A Late Jurassic salamander (Amphibia: Caudata) from the Morrison Formation of North America


Jessica A Maisano, C Lally, Susan E Evans, Daniel J Chure, and Ann S Elder, A Late Jurassic salamander (Amphibia: Caudata) from the Morrison Formation of North America: .


Despite some remarkable recent discoveries, the Mesozoic fossil record of salamanders remains limited, particularly for the Jurassic. Here we describe the first articulated salamander skeleton from the Jurassic of Euramerica, recovered from Upper Jurassic deposits of the Morrison Formation, Dinosaur National Monument, USA. The specimen was studied using both conventional methods and high-resolution computed tomography. It shows a combination of primitive and derived character states that distinguish it from all known Mesozoic salamanders and which permit the erection of a new genus and species, Iridotriton hechti. The derived states (including the presence of spinal nerve foramina in the tail) suggest a position on the stem of the [...]


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  • Upper Colorado River Basin



From Source - Mendeley RIS export <br> On - Tue May 10 11:50:36 CDT 2011

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Title Citation A Late Jurassic salamander (Amphibia: Caudata) from the Morrison Formation of North America

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