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Directed: Groundwater and Surface Water Interactions - BOR Project, FY2011


This activity will result in: A white paper listing: (a) Reclamation situations where groundwater interactions with surface water have been or are being assessed, (b) challenges with assessing such interactions under a changing climate, and (c) modeling options for assessing such interactions in a changing climate (highlighting applications of these various model options as conducted by Reclamation or other entities). Establishment of a Groundwater Hydrology Work Group comprised of academics, Water Research Institutes, and Federal agencies to translate white paper issues into a technology development strategy Model intercomparison to explore management-hydrology model integration with simple/complex hydrology models


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Research Question: How will groundwater and surface water interactions be affected by climate change? Understanding the potential issues with groundwater and surface water interactions form climate change is crucial for Reclamation’s water management and power operations decisions.

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  • Upper Colorado River Basin


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