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Collection of Borehole and Sample Reference Documents from Florida


2012-02-29 18:21:36
Last Update
2020-06-01 16:18:03


Florida Geological Survey(Data Owner), 2012-02-29(creation), 2020-06-01(lastUpdate), Collection of Borehole and Sample Reference Documents from Florida


The Florida Geological Survey maintains a collection of paper documents associated with boreholes and hand specimens from throughout Florida. This collection includes all paper documents that can be considered archival documents or data sources, which are currently not in a collection of their own. In most cases, these documents hold information about boreholes and hand specimens within our sample collections; however, there remains a subset of the collection associated with boreholes outside of our sample collections that was deemed relevant at the time of acquisition for retention. These boreholes and their associated documents, were historically given a designation of a “wgi number.” During sample acquisition, boreholes are given [...]

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Data Owner :
Florida Geological Survey
Material Request Contact :
Florida Geological Survey

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md_metadata.json 10.06 KB application/json
metadata_iso1.xml 50.53 KB application/vnd.iso.19139-1+xml
Potential Metadata Source

37.23 KB application/vnd.iso.19139-2+xml

Material Request Instructions

Florida Geological Survey(Data Owner - Please contact the Florida Geological Survey for access information to the collection: 850-617-0300.)


Spatial Services

ScienceBase WMS


  • ReSciColl Archive



generated using ADIwg mdTranslator 2.18.2

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Type Scheme Key
sourceSystem CSC 1087788
UniqueKey State Inventory P588

NGGDPP Collection Extension

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