The collection consists of well cutting samples (both whole rock & cuttings) for Public Water Supply wells, private domestic wells, irrigation wells and mineral/oil & gas exploration test holes. In most cases rock cuttings have been collected on 5-foot intervals from ground surface to the total depth of the well. The cuttings are permanently stored in glass or plastic vials in core boxes at the McCracken Core Library. Roughly ninety percent of the collection has a strip log made of the well. Most strip logs contain the owner's name, well location (county,section,township,range), latitude/longitude (when know), driller's name, drill date, amount & size of casing, ground elevation at well site, total depth, formation names & contacts, [...]
The collection consists of well cutting samples (both whole rock & cuttings) for Public Water Supply wells, private domestic wells, irrigation wells and mineral/oil & gas exploration test holes. In most cases rock cuttings have been collected on 5-foot intervals from ground surface to the total depth of the well. The cuttings are permanently stored in glass or plastic vials in core boxes at the McCracken Core Library. Roughly ninety percent of the collection has a strip log made of the well. Most strip logs contain the owner's name, well location (county,section,township,range), latitude/longitude (when know), driller's name, drill date, amount & size of casing, ground elevation at well site, total depth, formation names & contacts, insoluble residue symbols, whole rock lithology and comments regarding the overall condition of the cuttings. There is an associated Access database (LOGMAIN) that houses all the well information listed above. LOGMAIN is maintained by WATER RESOURCES CENTER Staff. Strip logs for the collection have been scanned and are available to the public on the Water Resources webpage of the MO DNR website. Much of the well information has associated metadata. The data are available as a shape file in a free MGS application called GeoSTRAT -
We currently have 29,178 well logs and over 10,000 wells with samples.
Call to make an appt. to look at the cuttings. Come in or go to website to view logs.
Missouri Missouri Geological Survey Program
111 Fairgrounds Road
PO Box 250
Rolla, MO 65402-0250
This collection record was derived from a survey of State Geological Survey organizations conducted under the National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program. Final Harvest from State Inventory on Fri Nov 12 15:11:24 CST 2010
Additional Information
State Inventory
NGGDPP Collection Extension
Rock cuttings (Rock cuttings,