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Comparison of the magnitude of erosion along two large regulated rivers


Schmidt, John C, Grams, Paul E, and Webb, Robert H, Comparison of the magnitude of erosion along two large regulated rivers: .


Historical inventories of sand bar number and area are sufficient to detect large-scale differences in geomorphic adjustment among regulated rivers that flow through canyons with abundant debris fans. In these canyons, bedrock and large boulders create constrictions and expansions, and alluvial bars occur in associated eddies at predictable sites. Although these bars may fluctuate considerably in size, the locations of these bars rarely change, and their characteristics can be compared through time and among rivers. The area of sand bars exposed at low discharge in Hells Canyon has decreased 50 percent since dam closure, and most of the erosion occurred in the first nine years after dam closure. The number and size of sand bars in [...]


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  • Upper Colorado River Basin



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