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'Provisional' Southwest Regional Landcover Data


Multi-season satellite imagery (Landsat ETM+) from 1999-2001 were used in conjunction with digital elevation model (DEM) derived datasets (e.g. elevation, landform, aspect, etc.) to model natural and semi-natural vegetation. Landcover classes are drawn from NatureServe's Ecological System concept, with 109 of the 125 total classes mapped at the system level. For the majority of classes, a decision tree classifier was used to discriminate landcover types, while a minority of classes (e.g. urban classes, sand dunes, burn scars, etc.) were mapped using other techniques. Twenty mapping areas, each characterized by similar ecological and spectral characteristics, were modeled independently of one another. These mapping areas, which included [...]


Data Owner :
U.S. Geological Survey

Attached Files


  • Upper Colorado River Basin



<p> Found while data mining for the UCRB project.</p>

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