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Vegetational affinities, arboreal activity, and coexistence of three species of rodents


Sally J Holbrook, Vegetational affinities, arboreal activity, and coexistence of three species of rodents: .


ABSTRACT.-Habitaut tilization by Peromyscus boylii, P. maniculatus, and Neotoma stephensi was studied by live trapping marked animals on grids in a variety of local habitats in eastcentral Arizona. None of the species exhibited clear-cut affinities for specific plant taxa; rather, the types of flora used by each species varied from grid to grid. P. boylii tended to use a wide variety of vegetational microhabitats, but almost always was captured in higher frequencies than expected in the commonest type(s) at a locality. P. maniculatus showed much more restricted habitat utilization, but where it did occur, it tended to be captured in the most prevalent vegetation more often than expected. N. stephensi also occurred in a restricted range [...]


Author :
Sally J Holbrook

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  • Upper Colorado River Basin



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