ReadMe file to accompany the report "Mapping Cheatgrass Dieoff in the Northern Great Basin using Ecosystem Performance Modeling"
Publication Date
Stephen Boyte, 2012, ReadMe file to accompany the report "Mapping Cheatgrass Dieoff in the Northern Great Basin using Ecosystem Performance Modeling": .
Three main folders are associated with this readme file. They are: 1. "Files", which contains two subfolders, "Dieoffs" and "PercentCover". a) The "Dieoff" subfolder contains every year's modeled cheatgrass dieoff estimates and their associated files, including a layer file. The dieoff estimates’ file format is ERDASImagine signed 16-bit. Values < -100 are underperforming relative to weather and site conditions and > 100 are performing relative to weather and site conditions. b) The "PercentCover" subfolder contains every year's modeled cheatgrass percent cover estimates and their associated files, including a layer file. The cheatgrass percent cover format is ERDAS Imagine signed 8-bit. 12 maps total. Interannual [...]
Three main folders are associated with this readme file. They are:
1. "Files", which contains two subfolders, "Dieoffs" and "PercentCover".
a) The "Dieoff" subfolder contains every year's modeled cheatgrass dieoff estimates and their associated files, including a layer file. The dieoff estimates’ file format is ERDASImagine signed 16-bit. Values < -100 are underperforming relative to weather and site conditions and > 100 are performing relative to weather and site conditions.
b) The "PercentCover" subfolder contains every year's modeled cheatgrass percent cover estimates and their associated files, including a layer file. The cheatgrass percent cover format is ERDAS Imagine signed 8-bit. 12 maps total. Interannual cheatgrass summaries (mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variation (CV) were also produced.
2. “Maps”, which contains two subfolders, “Dieoffs” and “PercentCover”.
a) The “Dieoff” subfolder contains every year’s cheatgrass dieoff maps as .png files. This subfolder also contains the Dieoff Probability map, also as a .png file.
b) The “PercentCover” subfolder contains every year’s cheatgrass percent cover maps, a map of mean values, a standard deviation map, and a coefficient of variation map. 14 maps total.
3. “Report” which contains the report titled "Mapping Cheatgrass Dieoff in the Northern Great Basin using Ecosystem Performance Modeling".
All maps and files are in USA Contiguous Albers Equal Area Conic USGS version projection (Central meridian -96; Latitude of first standard parallel 29.5; Latitude of second standard parallel 45.5; Latitude of origin of projection 23.0; False easting 0; False northing 0).
All maps and ERDAS Imagine files are 250-meter spatial resolution using temporally smoothed expedited Moderate Resolution Spectroradiometer (eMODIS) Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) images.