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Garry oak Climate Envelope Modeling

Greg MacMillan


Under the Canadian Species at Risk Act (SARA), Garry oak (Quercus garryana) ecosystems are listed as ‘‘at-risk’’ and act as an umbrella for over one hundred species that are endangered to some degree. Understanding Garry oak responses to future climate scenarios at scales relevant to protected area managers is essential to effectively manage existing protected area networks and to guide the selection of temporally connected migration corridors, additional protected areas, and to maintain Garry oak populations over the next century. We present Garry oak distribution scenarios using two random forest models calibrated with down-scaled bioclimatic data for British Columbia, Washington, and Oregon based on 1961–1990 climate normals. The [...]


Custodian :
Greg MacMillan

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  • LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal
  • North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative



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