The range-wide plan (RWP) has been developed in response to concerns about lesser prairie-chicken (LPC) habitat threats which may be impacting LPC populations, and the proposed listing under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Along with the existing conservation efforts already being implemented, as described in the RWP, the supporting WAFWA Conservation Agreement (WCA) represents another mechanism to implement conservation to benefit LPC. The WCP represents an opportunity to enroll participants who agree to avoid, minimize and mitigate actions which may be detrimental to LPC. Landowners may enroll properties to be managed for the benefit of LPC. Properties may generate credits for mitigation. When complete avoidance is not possible, industry participants may enroll and pay fees to be used to mitigate impacts. When taken as a whole, the RWP along with other existing and planned conservation efforts can effectively ameliorate threats to LPC and preclude the need for listing.