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North Cascades Ecoregional Assessment: Terrestrial Conservation Areas by Relative Importance


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Ecoregional assessments provide a regional scale, biodiversity-based context forimplementing conservation efforts. The intent of the assessments is to create a sharedvision for agencies and other organizations at the regional, state and local levels to formpartnerships and ensure efficient allocation of conservation resources. The assessments identify a portfolio of sites for conservation action with a goal of protecting representativebiodiversity and ecologically significant populations. These assessments are the result ofrigorous analysis, incorporating expert review, and are the most comprehensive and currentefforts that support spatially explicit priority setting at an ecoregional scale. Biodiversityconservation in the ecoregion [...]


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The purpose of this assessment was to integrate the best available information about the ecology of the region and to identify the lands and waters most necessary for the maintenance of the biodiversity of the ecoregion. Assessment products include:  A terrestrial portfolio and a freshwater portfolio of priority conservation areas, showing places of exceptional biological value and/or the most likely places for conservation to succeed based on their current condition or status;  Maps depicting the relative irreplaceability of all sites across the entire ecoregion; and  Lower? and ?higher? risk portfolios depicting a wide range of options for the conservation of biodiversity.



  • LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal
  • North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative



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