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Transboundary Site Index Mapping


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This dataset was created in order to facilitate transboundary conservation work and research projects, by integrating land cover maps into a single dataset from Cape Caution, BC, to Yakutat Bay, AK. It includes three levels of land classification, site index, elevation, hydric soils (yes/no), karst (yes/no), primary and secondary species, size class, and volume class. It also includes a number of other important attributes from individual datasets, which were not crosswalked between the different areas. This file represents site index, or the number of meters trees would be expected to grow in 50 years.


Point of Contact :
Audubon Alaska
Process Contact :
Audubon Alaska
Distributor :
Audubon Alaska
Metadata Contact :
Audubon Alaska
Originator :
Nathan Walker, Audubon Alaska, GIS Biologist

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This dataset was created in order to facilitate transboundary conservation work and research projects, by integrating land cover maps into a single dataset from Cape Caution, BC, to Yakutat Bay, AK. This file represents site index, or the number of meters trees would be expected to grow in 50 years.



  • LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal
  • North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative



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