Biomassfu els currently (1994) supplya round1 4% of the world’se nergy,b ut most of this is in the form of traditional fuelwood, residuesa ndd ung, which is often inefficienta nd can be environmentallyd etrimental.B iomassc an supplyh eat and electricity, liquid and gaseousfu els. A numbero f developedc ountriesd erive a significanta mounto f their primary energy from biomassU: SA 4%, Finland 18%, Sweden1 6%a ndA ustria 13%.P resentlyb iomasse nergy suppliesa t least2 EJ year-’ in WesternE uropew hich is about4 % of primarye nergy (54 ET). Estimates howa likely potentiali n Europei n 2050o f 9.0-13.5 El dependingo n land areas(1 0%o f useablela nd, 33 Mha), yields (lo-15 oven-dry tonnes( ODt) ha-‘), and recoverabler esidues(2 5% of [...]