Land & Resource Management Plan (L&RMP) Land Suitability Class
This is a derived layer of forestland capability, suitability and availability for timber production. Water is assigned census or non-census water using the water bodies layer. Land is assigned to forest or non-forest using existing vegetation. Forestland both capable (productive) and other (non-productive) forestland, as well as non-forest are determined by CALVEG types (TABLE 38). Each CALVEG type is assigned a forest productivity code (TABLE 43). Suitability information is derived from productive forest CALVEG types that are available, minus the unsuitable forestlands (UNSU). Availability (TABLE 11) is derived by determining all forestland from CALVEG type, minus the congressionally withdrawn and pending withdrawal wilderness areas (WILD) and wild and scenic rivers (WSRR). For all lands that are tentatively suitable for timber production, a determination of final forestland allocations under the Forest Plan is made, using all prescription and management layers with a constraint on timber management assigned by the LSC code(s) on each layer (TABLE 29). The most constraining resource is coded for each acre on the National Forest. Deriving LSC final timberland allocation can be shown in a flow chart (LSC Chart ). Source: Derived; for additional logic checks, see Land Suitability ClassLogic in the following logic tables. (TABLE 111, TABLE 112, and TABLE 113)