Panorama view of Belly River Valley and Rocky Mountains. Canada. 1912.
Date Taken
Album caption: Panorama with images 639, 641-644. View of Belly River Valley and Rocky Mountains from north end of high drift covered ridge east of Belly River in northeast part of T. 1 N., R. 28 W., Alberta. Junction of North Fork and Belly River. Plane of Lewis overthrust at top of dark wood slope to left. Cliffs of pre-Cambrian rock above, Cretaceous rocks below. Alberta, Canada. October 2, 1912. Handwritten notes on album caption: Canada.
Album caption: Panorama with images 639, 641-644. View of Belly River Valley and Rocky Mountains from north end of high drift covered ridge east of Belly River in northeast part of T. 1 N., R. 28 W., Alberta. Junction of North Fork and Belly River. Plane of Lewis overthrust at top of dark wood slope to left. Cliffs of pre-Cambrian rock above, Cretaceous rocks below. Alberta, Canada. October 2, 1912.
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