Sperry Glacier, Glacier National Park, Montana. 1913.
Date Taken
Album caption: Panorama of Sperry Glacier from Little Matterhorn, with 711 and 712. Glacier National Park, Montana. August 15, 1913. Handwritten notes on album caption: Vegetation in crests of older moraines. Flathead County. Index card: Sperry Glacier from Little Matterhorn. Glacier National Park, Montana. 1913. Note: Panorama with W.C. Alden photograph numbers 711 (awc00711) and 712 (awc00712). Glacier latitude: 48.622924 Glacier longitude: -113.756065 FYI: lat/longs may be pasted to the search bar in Google Earth to find the location.
Album caption: Panorama of Sperry Glacier from Little Matterhorn, with 711 and 712. Glacier National Park, Montana. August 15, 1913.
Handwritten notes on album caption: Vegetation in crests of older moraines. Flathead County.
Index card: Sperry Glacier from Little Matterhorn. Glacier National Park, Montana. 1913.
Note: Panorama with W.C. Alden photograph numbers 711 (awc00711) and 712 (awc00712).
Glacier latitude: 48.622924
Glacier longitude: -113.756065 FYI:lat/longs may be pasted to the search bar in Google Earth to find the location.
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Available in the U.S. Geological Survey Denver Library Photographic Collection, Alden, W.C. Collection.
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