"Agate House", Petrified Forest National Park. Apache County, Arizona. No date.
Date Taken
Small pueblo made of sections of petrified logs in Petrified Forest National Park. The pueblo, now called "Agate House", was built and occupied by American Indians about 600 years ao. Recently, it was partially restored. Apache County, Arizona. Published in U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 613-D, Figure 3, p. D-4. 1969.
Small pueblo made of sections of petrified logs in Petrified Forest National Park. The pueblo, now called "Agate House", was built and occupied by American Indians about 600 years ao. Recently, it was partially restored.
Apache County, Arizona.
Published in U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 613-D, Figure 3, p. D-4. 1969.
Image located in U.S.Geological Survey Photographic Collection, "Ash, Sidney R." Collection album, no.1.
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