Jointed cliffs, Uncompahgre Valley, Silverton quadrangle, Ouray County, Colorado. 1899.
Date Taken
Album Caption: Jointed cliffs of the San Juan tuffs, above the Silver Lake mine, Uncompahgre Valley. Below the tuffs appear Algonkian quartzites. Silverton quadrangle, Ouray County, Colorado. September 1899. Photo by Ernest Howe. Published in U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 182, Plate 7. 1901.
Album Caption: Jointed cliffs of the San Juan tuffs, above the Silver Lake mine, Uncompahgre Valley. Below the tuffs appear Algonkian quartzites.
Silverton quadrangle, Ouray County, Colorado. September 1899.
Photo by Ernest Howe.
Published in U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 182, Plate 7. 1901.
Image located in U.S.Geological Survey Photographic Library, Cross, C.W. Collection album, Volume 3, no.400.
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