Hensen Creek, Lake City quadrangle, Hinsdale County, Colorado. September 23, 1905.
Date Taken
Album Caption: View from the north side Hensen Creek at 10,000 foot elevation, on the second ridge east of Sugarloaf, looking across Henson Creek at the mountain and glacial cirque at the head of T Gulch. Lake City quadrangle, Hinsdale County, Colorado. September 23, 1905. Published in U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 478, Plate 2-B. 1911.
Album Caption: View from the north side Hensen Creek at 10,000 foot elevation, on the second ridge east of Sugarloaf, looking across Henson Creek at the mountain and glacial cirque at the head of T Gulch.
Lake City quadrangle, Hinsdale County, Colorado. September 23, 1905.
Published in U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 478, Plate 2-B. 1911.
Image located in U.S. Geological Survey Photographic Library, Cross, C.W. Oversize Collection Album, no.745.
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