Mouth of Ogden Canyon, Wasatch Range, from the north. Weber County, Utah. no date.
Date Taken
Mouth of Ogden Canyon, Wasatch Range, from the north. The walls of the canyon are of tough gneiss. They are rough as compared with the adjacent west face of the gneiss, which is part of the footwall of the frontal fault of the range. The foreground and the benches beyond the river are parts of the delta of the river in Lake Bonneville. The alluvial benches are crossed by three piedmont scarps, of which the upper is conspicuous. Compare 3419. Weber County, Utah. no date. Published as plate 8-B in U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 153. 1928.
Mouth of Ogden Canyon, Wasatch Range, from the north. The walls of the canyon are of tough gneiss. They are rough as compared with the adjacent west face of the gneiss, which is part of the footwall of the frontal fault of the range. The foreground and the benches beyond the river are parts of the delta of the river in Lake Bonneville. The alluvial benches are crossed by three piedmont scarps, of which the upper is conspicuous. Compare 3419. Weber County, Utah. no date.
Published as plate 8-B in U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 153. 1928.
Available in the U.S. Geological Survey Denver Library Photographic Collection, Gilbert, G.K. Collection.
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