The Flaming Gorge, a view on Green River, very near the location where Major Powell launched his expeditions for the Colorado River. Daggett County, Utah. 1870.
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The Flaming Gorge, a view on Green River, very near the location where Major Powell launched his expeditions for the Colorado River. View at the mouth of Henrys Fork, of great beauty, and which derives its principal charm from the vivid coloring. The waters of the river are of the purest emerald, with banks and sand bars of glistening white. The perpendicular bluff to the right is nearly 1,500 feet above the level of the river, and of a bright red and yellow. When entrance or gateway to the still greater wonders and grandeurs of the famous Red Canyon, that cuts its way to a depth of 3,000 feet between this point and its entrance into Browns Hole. Man and horse for scale. Daggett County, Utah. 1870.
The Flaming Gorge, a view on Green River, very near the location where Major Powell launched his expeditions for the Colorado River. View at the mouth of Henrys Fork, of great beauty, and which derives its principal charm from the vivid coloring. The waters of the river are of the purest emerald, with banks and sand bars of glistening white. The perpendicular bluff to the right is nearly 1,500 feet above the level of the river, and of a bright red and yellow. When entrance or gateway to the still greater wonders and grandeurs of the famous Red Canyon, that cuts its way to a depth of 3,000 feet between this point and its entrance into Browns Hole. Man and horse for scale. Daggett County, Utah. 1870.
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