Bluffs on the North Fork of the Platte, near the crossing of the old Overland Stage Road. Wyoming. 1870.
Date Taken
Album caption and index card: Bluffs on the North Fork of the Platte, near the crossing of the old Overland Stage road. They are 80 to 100 feet in height, extending along the east bank of the river, and composed of a grayish brown sandstone, exhibiting in a remarkable manner the various signs of shallow water depositions, ripple, rain, and mud markings. Broad, flat masses of rock, lie at the base of the bluff, 15 or 20 feet square, with the surface covered with these peculiar markings. Wyoming. 1870.
Album caption and index card: Bluffs on the North Fork of the Platte, near the crossing of the old Overland Stage road. They are 80 to 100 feet in height, extending along the east bank of the river, and composed of a grayish brown sandstone, exhibiting in a remarkable manner the various signs of shallow water depositions, ripple, rain, and mud markings. Broad, flat masses of rock, lie at the base of the bluff, 15 or 20 feet square, with the surface covered with these peculiar markings. Wyoming. 1870.
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Available in the U.S. Geological Survey Denver Library Photographic Collection, Jackson, W.H. Collection.
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