Arvin-Tehachapi earthquake damage along the Southern Pacific Railroad near Bealville. Kern County, California. 1952.
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Arvin-Tehachapi earthquake damage along the Southern Pacific Railroad near Bealville. Sharp bend in the tracks south of Tunnel 3 strikingly demonstrates that the ground had been shortened in this area. A landslide blocks the east portion of tunnel 3. Kern County, California. 1952. Published in California Department of Natural Resources, Division of Mines, Bulletin 171, Figure 6, pt. 1, contribution 7. 1955.
Arvin-Tehachapi earthquake damage along the Southern Pacific Railroad near Bealville. Sharp bend in the tracks south of Tunnel 3 strikingly demonstrates that the ground had been shortened in this area. A landslide blocks the east portion of tunnel 3. Kern County, California. 1952. Published in California Department of Natural Resources, Division of Mines, Bulletin 171, Figure 6, pt. 1, contribution 7. 1955.
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