Nevados Hascaran avalanche showing the area overrun by the upper part of the debris avalanche (outlined by dashed line) caused by the Peru Earthquake. 1970.
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Peru Earthquake May 31, 1970. Nevados Hascaran, showing the area overrun by the upper part of the debris avalanche (outlined by dashed line): Moraines, M, below Glacier 511 and between Rio Shacsha and Quebrada Armapampa, and areas splattered by airborn mud and boulders. June-July 1970.
Peru Earthquake May 31, 1970. Nevados Hascaran, showing the area overrun by the upper part of the debris avalanche (outlined by dashed line): Moraines, M, below Glacier 511 and between Rio Shacsha and Quebrada Armapampa, and areas splattered by airborn mud and boulders. June-July 1970.
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