Typical lower beds of the Wallace formation. Shoshone County, Idaho. 1904.
Date Taken
Typical lower beds of the Wallace formation, 1.5 miles east of Wallace, shows irregular banding with rather indistinct cleavage crossing planes of stratification, beds at this locality are sharply folded. Shoshone County, Idaho. August 31, 1904, plate 5-B in U.S. Geological Survey. Professional paper 62. 1908.
Typical lower beds of the Wallace formation, 1.5 miles east of Wallace, shows irregular banding with rather indistinct cleavage crossing planes of stratification, beds at this locality are sharply folded. Shoshone County, Idaho. August 31, 1904, plate 5-B in U.S. Geological Survey. Professional paper 62. 1908.
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