Mouth of the Little Colorado River, viewed from Cape Solitude, 1167 meters above the river level. Grand Canyon National Park, Coconino County, Arizona. 1963.
Date Taken
Album caption and index card: The mouth of the Little Colorado River as seen from Cape Solitude, 1,167 meters above the river level. This upstream view of the Colorado River was taken after the completion of Glen Canyon Dam and during a period of low flow when Lake Powell was filling. From this vantage point, the interrupted line of dense vegetation marking the flood level is visible, especially on the left bank. A few shrubs (circle) have become established below the upper fringe of plants. The Little Colorado River enters from the right, and its waters appear turbid in this July view. A dense stand of riparian vegetation lines its left bank. (Altitude is 826 meters). Grand Canyon National Park. Coconino County, Arizona. July 13, [...]
Album caption and index card: The mouth of the Little Colorado River as seen from Cape Solitude, 1,167 meters above the river level. This upstream view of the Colorado River was taken after the completion of Glen Canyon Dam and during a period of low flow when Lake Powell was filling. From this vantage point, the interrupted line of dense vegetation marking the flood level is visible, especially on the left bank. A few shrubs (circle) have become established below the upper fringe of plants. The Little Colorado River enters from the right, and its waters appear turbid in this July view. A dense stand of riparian vegetation lines its left bank. (Altitude is 826 meters). Grand Canyon National Park. Coconino County, Arizona. July 13, 1963. (Photo by J. Blaisdell, National Park Service). (Circle on published photo only).
Portion published as Figure 46-A in U.S. Geological Survey. Professional Paper 1132. 1980. See also photo trm00041.
Available in the U.S. Geological Survey, Denver Library Photographic Collection, Turner, R.M. Collection.
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