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Developing a Conservation Priorities Tool for the North Pacific LCC - Final Report


2013-11-25 23:13:42
Last Update
2015-07-28 19:21:36


Michael Mertens(Principal Investigator), Ecotrust(Lead Organization), North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative(administrator), 2013-11-25(creation), 2015-07-28(lastUpdate), Developing a Conservation Priorities Tool for the North Pacific LCC - Final Report


Project Summary In September, 2011, The North Pacific Land Conservation Cooperative (NPLCC) awarded Ecotrust a grant to develop a conservation priorities tool intended to assist the NPLCC and other natural resource managers, individuals, and community organizations in accessing, understanding and visualizing a wide variety of data sets pertaining to aquatic and terrestrial species, anthropogenic threats and potential vulnerabilities to climate change for freshwater and forest ecosystems throughout the NPLCC geographic area. Over the course of the grant period, Ecotrust developed a custom, spatially explicit, on-line decision support tool that was designed to both visualize these data and to identify regional priorities at [...]


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Develop an open-source Decision Support Tool, freely available online, where climate and natural resource conservation data can be readily visualized, explored, and used in conjunction with species-specific data in developing regional priorities. Develop a dynamic tool that gives users the ability to instantly identify climate change vulnerability and visualize the results of a range of assumptions by running analysis based on users’ selection of priority species as well as aspects of climate change and other potential threats. Develop a tool that builds on a conservation priorities tool developed under a cooperative agreement with the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) that helps users identify regional freshwater conservation and restoration priority areas in the Pacific Northwest (Oregon, Washington and Idaho) given the potential impacts of climate change. Build upon this tool to include additional terrestrial species of interest and increase the geographic scope to include the entire NPLLC geographic area.


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  • LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal
  • North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative

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