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Reexamining saline contamination associated with oil and gas development in the Prairie Pothole Region, Sheridan County, MT

Todd Preston's Masters Thesis




Oil and gas development in the Williston Basin often involves the extraction of saline brines and presents a major source of saline contamination to surface and groundwater resources. The Prairie Pothole Region (PPR) is superimposed over much of the Williston Basin and provides critical habitats for migratory birds and waterfowl. Surface and shallow groundwaters in the PPR often contain high levels of total dissolved solids (TDS); however, salts produced from energy development are chemically different than the near-surface salts. To differentiate between saline contaminated and naturally high TDS water samples, Reiten and Tischmak (1993) developed a Contamination Index (CI = chloride concentration / specific conductance), with contamination [...]


(other) :
Todd M Preston

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  • Energy Development and Natural Resources in the Northern Great Plains


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