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Spatial distribution of greater sage-grouse nests in relatively contiguous sagebrush habitats.


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Matthew J Holloran, and Stanley H Anderson, 2005, Spatial distribution of greater sage-grouse nests in relatively contiguous sagebrush habitats.: Condor 107, no. 4 (2005): 742-752.


Conclusions: The proportion of sage-grouse nests located within 3 vs 5 km suggested that a 5 km buffer around a lek encompassed the majority of nests. The results indicate that land managers should strive to maintain a 5 km buffer around known sage-grouse lek locations in order to ensure sage-grouse breeding success. Thresholds/Learnings: A 5000m buffer around sage-grouse leks encompassed the majority (64%) of sage-grouse nests. Synopsis: This study used radio-telemetry to determine nesting patterns of Greater Sage-Grouse relative to leks in a relatively contiguous sagebrush habitat in Wyoming. The proportion of nests located within 3 vs 5 km suggested that a 5 km buffer around a lek encompassed the majority of nests. The results [...]


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LCPID SourceID 71

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citationTypeJournal Article
journalCondor 107, no. 4 (2005): 742-752

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