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Evaluation of Phosphorus Reduction - Fox River


Project Start Date


Description of Work The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) was established to accelerate ecosystem restoration in the Great Lakes by confronting the most serious threats to the region, such as nonpoint source pollution, toxic sediments, and invasive species. Three Priority Watersheds have been targeted by the Regional Working Group's Phosphorus Reduction Work Group (Fox/Green Bay, Saginaw, and Maumee) and are characterized by having a high density of agricultural land use and have ecosystem impairments that have been clearly identified. Within the Fox River Priority Watershed, monitoring is being conducted at the sub-watershed and edge-of-field scale. The edge-of-field stations are targeted to those areas within each watershed [...]


Principal Investigator :
Matthew J Komiskey
Associate Project Chief :
John F Walker
Cooperator/Partner :
James R Morris, Cynthia M Rachol
Lead Organization :
USGS Wisconsin Water Science Center

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Material Request Instructions

Direct questions and requests to the Principle Investigator. 


Monitoring at the priority watershed scale will provide a direct measure of the effects of USDA conservation practice implementations on reducing erosion and nutrients by targeting those areas affected by the conservation practice. This study will also provide data to verify the five year average annual loading targets of soluble reactive phosphorus as described in the Great Lakes Action Plan.

Project Extension

projectStatusIn Progress

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