This metadata catalog was developed to provide potential users
of Environmental Management Technical Center (EMTC) spatial data
with information about available spatial data and how these data
files were developed. However, since new data files are
continually in progress, this catalog may not contain information
about some of the more recently developed spatial data files.
Catalog updates will be provided on a quarterly basis. The data
listed in this manual primarily cover the Long Term Resource
Monitoring Program study area. The study area is contained
within the floodplain of the Upper Mississippi River System
(UMRS), including the Illinois River and navigable tributaries
between Minneapolis, Minnesota, and Cairo, Illinois. Most of the
data files cover areas within specific pools (which delineate the
impounded areas between lock and dams). However, the EMTC
maintains additional data extending beyond the floodplain, such
as transportation and county boundaries.