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Rates of sedimentation along selected backwater transects in Pools 4, 8, and 13 of the Upper Mississippi River


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Net rates of sediment accumulation were measured as changes in bed elevation along selected backwater transects during several time intervals between 1989 and 1996. The average net rate of accumulation was found to be lower than previously reported for the Upper Mississippi River. Mean rates (in centimeters per year) the transects surveyed were 0.29 for Pool 4, 0.12 for Pool 8, and 0.80 for Pool 13. Rates were highly variable among transects with standard deviations (in centimeters per year) of 1.14 in Pool 4, 0.55 in Pool 8, and 1.45 in Pool 13. All three study pools had transects with net erosion and transects with net sedimentation. Accumulation rates were variable along transects as well, with most transects crossing areas of both [...]


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  • Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC)



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.S. Geological Survey, Environmental Management Technical Center, Onalaska, Wisconsin

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