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Evaluation of the macroinvertebrate component of the Long Term Resource Monitoring Program


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The need for effective monitoring programs to detect population status and trends and to measure the effectiveness of management actions has been voiced by a number of management agencies. It is prudent for any long-term monitoring program to periodically undergo evaluation. In 2002, an evaluation of the Long Term Resource Monitoring Program's (LTRMP) macroinvertebrate component was begun to determine whether its current design was still appropriate based on LTRMP objectives, partner needs, and expected funding levels. The following report discusses the history and sampling design of the component and the results of an evaluation survey and workshop conducted with LTRMP partners. The survey and workshop were the first steps to help [...]


(other) :
Jennifer S Sauer

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  • Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC)



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U.S. Geological Survey, Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center, La Crosse, Wisconsin

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