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Lakewide Management Plan Capacity Support by U.S. Geological Survey - LAKE SUPERIOR


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Description of Work USGS scientists provide expertise, capacity and support for the implementation of Lakewide Management Plans (LaMPs) and the associated goals, objectives and targets for each of the Great Lakes, including Lake Superior. The LaMPs are critical binational groups that are important for promoting Great Lakes restoration. Specifically, LaMP efforts include compiling monitoring and research information into the Great Lakes web mapper (SiGL Mapper). The Mapper’s focus is on information that will result in recognition of areas where data are being collected, missing or sparse, and on areas where ecosystems are vulnerable.


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The USGS-LaMP objectives include: 1) Providing USGS expertise, capacity, and support for Great Lakes programs; 2) Participating in LaMP processes, programs, conferences, workshops and projects, including the development of LaMP documents and updates; 3) Serving on work groups and technical committees; 4) Participating in interagency actions that implement LaMP programs and priorities; and 5) Incorporating LaMP goals into USGS planning efforts.

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projectStatusIn Progress

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