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Webinar: Making decisions in complex landscapes: Headwater stream management across multiple agencies using structured decision making


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Rachel Katz, 2014-11-19, Webinar: Making decisions in complex landscapes: Headwater stream management across multiple agencies using structured decision making: .


There is growing evidence that headwater stream ecosystems are vulnerable to changing climate and land use, but their conservation is challenged by the need to address the threats at a landscape scale, often through coordination with multiple management agencies and landowners. A decision faced by managers of headwater systems is how to best manage stream habitats to maximize their suitability for multiple species of conservation concern, including stream salamanders and brook trout, which occur in different parts of a stream network, are affected by both the terrestrial landscape and each other, and are likely influenced by future climate change. Because streams and terrestrial habitats are linked, decisions relating to forest management [...]


Author :
Rachel Katz
Funding Agency :
Northeast CSC

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  • National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers
  • Northeast CASC

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