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Urban Growth Modeling for the SAMBI Designing Sustainable Landscapes Project


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In the Southeastern U.S. rapid urbanization is a major challenge to developing long-term conservation strategies. The SAMBI DSL project used predicted urban growth models described herein to inform future landscape conditions that were also based climate change impacts and vegetative community succession. These future landscape conditions were then applied as a context for land use and management decisions in conservation planning. SLEUTH, named for the model input datasets (Slope, Land use, Excluded, Urban, Transportation and Hillshade) is the evolutionary product of the Clarke Urban Growth Model that uses cellular automata, terrain mapping and land cover change modeling to address urban growth (Jantz et al, 2009; NCGIA 2011). SLEUTH [...]


Principal Investigator :
Curtis M. Belyea, Adam J Terando
Funding Agency :
Southeast CSC

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  • National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers
  • Southeast CASC

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