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Projected past and future habitat suitability for 366 species, 1961-2099, using CGCM31 and HADCM3 climate models


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These 1830 maps contain projected current and future change in habitat suitability for 366 species under the Third Generation Coupled Global Climate Model (CGCM 3.1) and Hadley Centre Coupled Model, version 3 (HADCM3). In support of the Pacific Northwest Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment (, we developed a method to model habitat suitability in which we built correlative climate suitability models for 366 terrestrial animal species at a relatively coarse spatial resolution for the entire North American continent using species range maps and 23 bioclimatic variables. We then applied the models to both current and projected future climate data downscaled to a moderately fine resolution for western North [...]


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Understanding which plant and animal species will be most susceptible to future climate change is crucial for managing natural resources and public lands. The objective of this project is to compare the results of three of the different approaches that have been developed to assess the vulnerability of selected plants and animals using different future climate scenarios. This comparison includes approaches that (1) integrate expert-opinion-based assessments of climate sensitivities with projected changes in climate, (2) use numerical model projections to forecast potential climate-driven shifts in species distributions, and (3) combine measures of current climate and projected climatic changes.



  • National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers
  • Northwest CASC

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