U.S. Geological Survey ScienceBase(Distributor -
- Fields in attribute table:
- ObjectID or GridID = unique identifier
- XUTM_NAD83 = X centroid
- YUTM_NAD83 = Y centroid
- Fedlands= (“Forest” for ‘Name1’)
- Fedlands= (Agbur = Agency)
- Strahler Order Streams =(“Strahler”)
- Inventoried Roadless= ( “Roadless”)
- Strata = Study design stratum
- Wilderness =( “Wilderness”)
- State Land= ( “State”)
- BLM district =(“BLM_Dist”)
- County
- CB_NF = USFS congressional boundary (used centroid)
- CB_NFv2= USFS congressional boundary (any part of grid that intersected boundary)
- USFS Congressional or Proclaimed Boundaries ( “Proclaimed” )
*Congressional boundaries may indicate different forest manager.
- Elev_meter = elevation in meters
- Strahler Stream Order was populated using the sampling grid polygon shapefile (We used a strahler order of >= 5). The select by location tool that intersects streams was used to attribute the sampling grid.
- Sampling grid field “Proclaimed” used the select by location that intersects the USFS Congressional boundaries (Proclaimed Boundary) file (This is for attributing any grid that touches USFS lands).
- USFS Congressional or Proclaimed Boundaries ( “Proclaimed” )
*Congressional boundaries may indicate different forest manager.
- The field WILDRDLESS is a combination of the wilderness and roadless layers. The grid was attributed with a 1 if it fell within either one of the layers and a 0 otherwise.
); LCC Network Data Steward(Point of Contact)