In 2015, the network LCC areas were updated. The attached geodatabase contains several layers that have been updated to match the new LCC areas. The main working area for the South Atlantic LCC is the feature class "SALCC_ACF." It includes the SALCC area from the upldated 2015 LCC network and also includes the "special integration zone" of the ACF. The feature class "SALCC_ACF_Buffer100km" is a 100 km buffer around our main working area. When we update indicators we are striving to go out 100 km to make it easier to combine plans with our neighbors. The other feature layers include masks and subregions that have been updated to match the 2015 LCC network area and that might be helpful to you.
In 2015, the network LCC areas were updated. The attached geodatabase contains several layers that have been updated to match the new LCC areas.
The main working area for the South Atlantic LCC is the feature class "SALCC_ACF." It includes the SALCC area from the upldated 2015 LCC network and also includes the "special integration zone" of the ACF.
The feature class "SALCC_ACF_Buffer100km" is a 100 km buffer around our main working area. When we update indicators we are striving to go out 100 km to make it easier to combine plans with our neighbors.
The other feature layers include masks and subregions that have been updated to match the 2015 LCC network area and that might be helpful to you.