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Terrestrial Resilience: Permeability (Pacific Northwest)


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Buttrick, S., K. Popper, M. Schindel, B. McRae, B. Unnasch, A. Jones, and J. Platt. 2015. Conserving Nature's Stage: Identifying Resilient Terrestrial Landscapes in the Pacific Northwest. The Nature Conservancy, Portland, Oregon. 104 pp. Available online at: March 3, 2015.


Permeability refers to the degree to which a landscape sustains ecological processes and supports movement of many species by virtue of the structural connectedness of its natural systems (Meiklejohn et al 2010). We used resistant kernel analysis (Compton et al. 2007) to map permeability as a focal statistic based on the resistance data from the terrestrial condition dataset. The analysis evaluates the capacity for ecological flow outward from each focal cell into its local neighborhood up to a maximum of 3-km, then combines the results into a final, study-wide surface. Perm_Score: Our permeability analysis evaluates the connectivity of a focal cell to its ecological neighborhood when the cell is viewed as a source; in other words, [...]


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