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Final Memo - Extending the Northeast Terrestrial Habitat Map to Atlantic Canada




The Northeast United States and Atlantic Canada share many of the same types of forests, wetlands, and natural communities, and from a wildlife perspective the region is one contiguous forest. However, resources are classified and mapped differently on each side of the border, which creates challenges for habitat evaluation, species modeling, and predicting the effects of climate change. To remedy this, ecologists from The Nature Conservancy collaborated with a committee of scientists from various Canadian institutions to produce the first international map of terrestrial habitats for northeastern North America. The project used extensive spatial data on geology, soils, landforms, wetlands, elevation and climate. Additionally, all [...]


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The objective of this project was to develop a comprehensive terrestrial habitat map for the Atlantic Canada section of the North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative region by extending the Northeast Terrestrial Habitat Map (Ferree and Anderson 2011) to Maritime Canada and southern Quebec. The final map consists of a spatially comprehensive GIS grid of 30 meter pixels with a legend portraying the habitats of Canada using a standard classification that matches the US classification. The map can be used as a basis for climate change research, conservation inventory, species modeling, ecosystem service estimates, and other cross border research related to the extent and distribution of natural habitats.


  • National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers
  • Northeast CASC

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