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Understanding the Ecological Impacts of Drought Across the U.S.: Regional Workshops and National Synthesis

Climate Change & Drought Regional Research Synthesis


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Climate change is expected to increase the intensity and frequency of drought in the U.S., leading to potentially harmful ecological impacts. The uncertain and relatively rapid changes to precipitation patterns pose a significant challenge to managers and decision-makers. In addition to having negative social and economic implications, long periods without rainfall can alter ecosystems, thereby threatening fish and wildlife species. The term “ecological drought” emphasizes the environmental consequences of future droughts. While it is known that ecological drought places multiple stresses on the environment, many of the specific impacts are not fully understood. To address this need, researchers are working to synthesize knowledge [...]

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Principal Investigator :
Simon Costanzo, William Dennison
CMS Group :
Climate Adaptation Science Centers (CASC) Program

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“The Colorado River runs dry on the US/Mexico border - Credit: Pete McBride”
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Prolonged drought has the potential to negatively affect terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems by limiting soil moisture and other water supplies that are important for biological function. Because of increasing concerns about the effects of “ecological drought” on natural resources and how those effects may vary in different regions of the country, the USGS National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center (NCCWSC) and DOI Climate Science Centers (CSCs) have undertaken an effort to synthesize knowledge related to the regional impacts of ecological drought and develop tools and products that are relevant for decision making. However, providing management-relevant science can be difficult without the effective delivery of information. The Integration and Application Network (IAN), an initiative of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, is a collection of scientists who specialize in effective science integration, synthesis, and communication, and has been tasked with assisting NCCWSC in synthesizing and communicating information developed and collected throughout its CSC network. A series of 8 workshops will be held in each of the 8 CSC regions. These workshops are aimed at collating our existing knowledge of the ecological impacts, resistance, and adaptation from drought across the U.S. The regional workshops will culminate in a national synthesis project where representatives from each CSC will join together to write and publish several papers describing the state of our knowledge on ecological drought. This work will enhance NCCWSC’s ability to prepare the information and tools generated from its CSCs for management uptake.

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The Colorado River runs dry on the US/Mexico border - Credit: Pete McBride
The Colorado River runs dry on the US/Mexico border - Credit: Pete McBride


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  • National CASC
  • National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers

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