This file represents a reclassified raster such that 0%=1, 0.01-9.5%=2, 9.5-19%=3, 19-29%=4, 29-38%=5, 38-48%=6, 48-58%=7. Original: ICLUS v1.3 Estimated Percent Impervious Suface for the Conterminous USA. Pixel values are projected estimates of percent imperviousness. These forecasts were statistically modeled based on the relationship between housing density and imperviousness using data from the U.S. Census Bureau and the 2001 National Land Cover Database. Climate and land-use change are major components of global environmental change with feedbacks between these components. The consequences of these interactions show that land use may exacerbate or alleviate climate change effects. Based on these findings it is important to use [...]
This file represents a reclassified raster such that 0%=1, 0.01-9.5%=2, 9.5-19%=3, 19-29%=4, 29-38%=5, 38-48%=6, 48-58%=7. Original: ICLUS v1.3 Estimated Percent Impervious Suface for the Conterminous USA. Pixel values are projected estimates of percent imperviousness. These forecasts were statistically modeled based on the relationship between housing density and imperviousness using data from the U.S. Census Bureau and the 2001 National Land Cover Database. Climate and land-use change are major components of global environmental change with feedbacks between these components. The consequences of these interactions show that land use may exacerbate or alleviate climate change effects. Based on these findings it is important to use land-use scenarios that are consistent with the specific assumptions underlying climate-change scenarios. The Integrated Climate and Land-Use Scenarios (ICLUS) project developed land-use outputs that are based on a downscaled version of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES) social, economic, and demographic storylines. ICLUS outputs are derived from a pair of models. A demographic model generates county-level population estimates that are distributed by a spatial allocation model (SERGoM v3) as housing density across the landscape. Land-use outputs were developed for the four main SRES storylines and a baseline ("base case"). The model is run for the conterminous USA and output is semi-decadally for each scenario to 2100. In addition to housing density at a 1 hectare spatial resolution, this project also generated estimates of impervious surface at a resolution of 1 square kilometer.