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Modeled Streamflow Metrics on Small, Ungaged Stream Reaches in the Upper Colorado River Basin


2016-02-03 21:39:33
Last Update
2017-11-02 16:40:35
Publication Date


Southern Rockies Landscape Conservation Cooperative(administrator), Lindsay Reynolds(Principal Investigator), 2016-02-03(creation), 2017-11-02(lastUpdate), 2016-01-21(Publication), Modeled Streamflow Metrics on Small, Ungaged Stream Reaches in the Upper Colorado River Basin


Modeling streamflow is an important approach for understanding landscape-scale drivers of flow and estimating flows where there are no streamgage records. In this study conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with Colorado State University, the objectives were to model streamflow metrics on small, ungaged streams in the Upper Colorado River Basin and identify streams that are potentially threatened with becoming intermittent under drier climate conditions. The Upper Colorado River Basin is a region that is critical for water resources and also projected to experience large future climate shifts toward a drying climate. A random forest modeling approach was used to model the relationship between streamflow metrics and [...]


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  • Southern Rockies Landscape Conservation Cooperative



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