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Spatial distribution of depth-averaged velocity measured in the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal, Chicago, IL (March 2-3, 2010)


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Jackson, P.R., 2016, Acoustic Doppler current profiler velocity data collected in the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal in 2010 and 2011 in support of the interbasin transport study for invasive Asian carp: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


These data were collected using a 600 kHz TRDI Rio Grande acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) in mode 12 with 50 centimeter bins from a moving boat. The data were georeferenced with a Trimble Ag132 differential Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver with submeter accuracy. The data have been depth-averaged over the entire measured portion of the water column and temporally averaged over 5-second intervals to reduce noise. These data were collected during water-quality surveys of the right bank of the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal (CSSC) and include low-velocity regions of the canal such as barge slips in addition to the main channel. Data were processed using the Velocity Mapping Toolbox (Parsons and others, 2013). Any data [...]


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These data were collected to accompany water-quality surveys of the lower Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal targeting identification of potential inflows of Des Plaines River water through the fractured bedrock that separates the two water bodies.


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  • USGS Central Midwest Water Science Center



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