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Helicopter magnetic and gravity gradiometry survey over the Pea Ridge iron mine and surrounding area, southeast Missouri, 2014


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Anne E. McCafferty, 2016, Helicopter magnetic and gravity gradiometry survey over the Pea Ridge iron mine and surrounding area, southeast Missouri, 2014: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


High resolution magnetic and gravity gradient data were collected using the HeliFalcon airborne gravity gradiometry system together with a stinger-mounted magnetometer. The survey took place out of the Sullivan, Missouri airport during March of 2014. The survey covers a 35 x 37 square-kilometer area centered on the Pea Ridge iron oxide-apatite rare-earth element deposit, which is located about halfway between the towns of Sullivan and Potosi, Missouri. Data were collected along north-south flight lines spaced 400 m apart with east-west tie lines flown every 4000 m. A nominal flight height above terrain of 80 m was maintained except where safety dictated a higher elevation. A total of 3538 line km of data were collected. Three files [...]


Originator :
Anne E McCafferty
Point of Contact :
Anne E McCafferty
Metadata Contact :
Anne E McCafferty
Publisher :
U.S. Geological Survey
Distributor :
U.S. Geological Survey – ScienceBase
USGS Mission Area :
Energy and Minerals
SDC Data Owner :
Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry Science Center

Attached Files

Click on title to download individual files attached to this item.

USA-Southeast-Missouri-Region-AirborneMagnetics.csv 53.75 MB text/csv
USA-Southeast-Missouri-Region-GravityGradiometry.csv 678.68 MB text/csv
HeliFalconMissouriGeophysical_Survey_Report.pdf 4.78 MB application/pdf
PeaRidgeSurvey2014RTPGdd.jpg thumbnail 9.69 MB image/jpeg


The helicopter borne high-resolution magnetic and gravity gradiometry survey was flown as one component of a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) mineral resource project to investigate the iron oxide copper-cobalt-gold-REE deposits in southeast Missouri. The survey was designed to specifically target areas known to host iron oxide deposits including the Pea Ridge iron mine, and two other known but undeveloped iron oxide deposits at Kratz Spring and Bourbon. All the targeted iron oxide deposits are hosted in Mesoproterozoic igneous rocks, which are concealed beneath 300 or more meters of Cambrian sedimentary sandstones and carbonate units.

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doi doi:10.5066/F78P5XM4

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