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Trace elements concentrations in pore water and surface water near the sediment-water interface in the Upper Columbia River, Washington (2015)


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Cox, S.E., Brumbaugh, W.G., Balistrieri, L.S., Wolf, R.E., Adams, Monique, Spanjer, A.J., and Olsen, T.D., 2016, Trace elements concentrations in pore water and surface water near the sediment-water interface in the Upper Columbia River, Washington (2015): U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Smelter slag containing copper and other trace elements is widespread in riverbed sediment of the upper Columbia River (UCR) of the United States. To evaluate potential risk to aquatic life concentrations of copper and other trace elements were measured in shallow pore-water and in river water samples collected near the sediment-water interface. Samples were collected using an in-situ pore-water profiler to collect a suite of four water samples from above, at, and below the sediment-water interface at each of 29 sampling locations; pore-water collected with a drive-point sampler at 10 additional locations; and Stabilized Liquid Membrane Device samplers (SLMDs) to allow determination of trace-element concentrations directly at the sediment-water [...]


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The sediment-water interface is an important habitat in river ecosystems, chemical concentrations measured in the overlying water column may not be representative of those experienced by organism at the sediment-water interface. To obtain data relevant to organism living at the sediment-water interface in the UCR, between April 26 and August 5, 2015, measurements of aqueous concentrations of trace elements were made in pore-water and surface water near the sediment-water interface at 47 locations in the upper Columbia River between river mile 715 and 745. Trace-element concentration data representative of in-situ conditions at the sediment-water interface are necessary to evaluate potential injury to early-life stage sturgeon fry that utilize this area as habitat.



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DOI doi:10.5066/F73N21GJ

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