Establishment and Characterization of Long Term Vegetation Monitoring Plots at Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska
Tande, G., Michaelson, J., Klein, S., and Lenz, J., 2001, Establishment and Characterization of Long Term Vegetation Monitoring Plots at Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska: Alaska Natural Heritage Program, Environment and Natural Resources Institute, University of Alaska Anchorage: Anchorage, AK, p. 121-121.
The objectives of the project were to establish permanent sites for monitoring long-term changes in natural resources on Elmendorf Air Force Base (EAFB), AK; to develop methods for monitoring long-term vegetation change; and to provide baseline descriptions of permanent monitoring sites. A methodology manual was developed detailing design, layout and monumenting of sites; physical site and vegetation sampling procedures; and field data sampling forms. Detailed methods were also provided for directional notes and photo documentation. Statistical validity was maintained by employing a two-phase sampling design and providing for an adequate sample size through replicate samples within and between plots and cover types. Thirty permanent [...]
The objectives of the project were to establish permanent sites for monitoring long-term changes in natural resources on Elmendorf Air Force Base (EAFB), AK; to develop methods for monitoring long-term vegetation change; and to provide baseline descriptions of permanent monitoring sites. A methodology manual was developed detailing design, layout and monumenting of sites; physical site and vegetation sampling procedures; and field data sampling forms. Detailed methods were also provided for directional notes and photo documentation. Statistical validity was maintained by employing a two-phase sampling design and providing for an adequate sample size through replicate samples within and between plots and cover types. Thirty permanent monitoring plots were established; 24 of these were fully monumented and characterized to provide a baseline assessment for monitoring vegetation change. In addition, 172 vegetation plots were used to characterize vegetation variability within monitored cover types. Forty-three plant communities were identified and incorporated into the permanent plot site descriptions. Hard-Copy and Electronic Archiving Systems were developed to insure access to permanent plot data in subsequent sampling years. Forest data were used to demonstrate the opportunity for extraction and analysis of a subset of data from the Electronic Data Record for immediate management applications. A 015 data layer was developed with permanent plot locations and a base layer for future 015 analysis, data comparison and queries of monitoring data. Hard copy and digitized maps were produced for permanent plot locations.