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Total mercury, bulk density, percent organic matter, and percent organic carbon measured in permafrost cores from the interior and northern slope of Alaska and previously published studies


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Schuster, P.F., 2018, Total mercury, bulk density, percent organic matter, and percent organic carbon measured in permafrost cores from the interior and northern slope of Alaska and previously published studies: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This data release contains two datasets (see child items below). The first dataset, "MasterDB-csv-published-final.csv", includes 11,000 published measurements of sediment total mercury (STHg, nanograms per gram of soil, dry), bulk density (BD, grams per cm3 of soil, dry), percent of soil organic matter (%OM, loss on ignition, LOI), percent of soil organic carbon (%SOC, calculated using the Redfield's number), RHgC (Hg to carbon ratio), and age (YBP) from 13 published studies conducted throughout the arctic and subarctic. The second dataset, "MasterDB-csv-final2.csv", includes 548 laboratory measurements of sediment total mercury (STHg, nanograms per gram of soil, dry), bulk density (BD, grams per cm3 of soil, dry), percent of soil [...]

Child Items (2)


Point of Contact :
Paul F Schuster
Originator :
Paul F Schuster
Metadata Contact :
Paul F Schuster
Distributor :
U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase
USGS Mission Area :
Water Resources
SDC Data Owner :
National Research Program

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Changing climate in northern regions is causing permafrost to thaw with major implications for the cycling of mercury in arctic and subarctic ecosystems. Permafrost occurs in nearly one quarter of the Earth’s northern land mass and an estimated 13 percent of Earth’s entire land surface. Large-scale thaw will release Hg currently frozen in permafrost, impacting aquatic resources and posing a serious threat to human health. We measured sediment total Hg concentration in 548 samples from 13 permafrost cores from the interior and the North Slope of Alaska. Based on these samples, here we estimate the mass of frozen mercury in northern hemisphere permafrost to be 790+/-267 Kilotons (kt), roughly equal to the total global mass of mercury in thawed soils. Projections indicate substantial permafrost thawing leading to peak annual mercury releases exceeding current total annual anthropogenic emissions of mercury.


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DOI doi:10.5066/F7NC5Z9T

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