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Habitat Trouble for Checkered Madtom in Central Mississippi River States

from the National Fish Habitat Partnership's 2015 Through a Fish's Eye Report


The Checkered Madtom (Noturus flavater) is found in moderate to high gradient, clear, small to medium rivers with strong flow and uses deeper, quiet pools or backwaters of these streams. This type of habitat has been eliminated from part of its former range in the White River, Arkansas, due to dam construction.


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The U.S Geological Survey (USGS) is partnering with the National Fish Habitat Partnership (NFHP) to produce the 2015 report entitled, "Through a Fish's Eye: The Status of Fish Habitats in the United States 2015". The information contained within this item is a product of NFHP. The Bureau is neither responsible nor liable for the accuracy or the use of the scientific content within this item. This content is considered preliminary pending subsequent review and approval.

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